Stem Cell text sets: Growing meat
First Lab Burger- AUDIO & Transcript- NPR
Publication Date: Monday, August 5, 2013
The world’s first lab-grown hamburger was cooked and eaten in London today. The burger was grown from stem cells taken from a dead cow
Stem cells: The future of medicine?
What is a stem cell? Properties of stem cells. Multipotent, Pluripotent, Totipotent and Unipotent Stem Cells.The Concerns and Controversy Surrounding the Use of Stem Cells.The Use of Stem Cells: Diabetes. Trachea transplant. Leukemia. The nervous system. Growing meat. Word count: 1736
Stem Cell text sets: Political issues
Stem Cell Research: Topic Overview
Covers: President Bush limiting stem cell research to existing cell lines. What is a stem cell? The debate. Short history. Nancy Reagan.Therapeutic cloning. Word Count: 1442.
Stem Cell text sets (articles)
What is a stem cell? Birth of stem cell research.Stem Cell Therapies Today. Potential for Good.The Ethics of Stem Cell Research. Includes questions for discussion and definitions. Word count:1210/1513
Stem cell examples from lab. What are stem cells? Moral issue. Seeking alternatives. Potential uses. 5 short answer questions on article with answers. Word count: 1073-1242
Stem Cell: Ethics
from the Univ. of Utah
Genetics Interactives
Six people at the center of ethical dilemmas. Decide for yourself how to resolve difficult conflicts and see how your opinions compare to others.
Stem Cell Vocabulary
Stem Cells defined – Medline Plus
From the U.S. National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health -
from the National Institutes of Health
Learn where different types of stem cells come from using this visual.
Boston Children’s Hospital: Stem Cells
includes videos, definitions, research, news and more.
Genetic Counselor
VIDEOS: Sample genetic counseling sessions
From the National Society of Genetic Counselors: simulated genetic counseling sessions from three different specialty areas (prenatal, cancer and pediatric).